SBTETAP ER91 PHARMACY 1ST&2ND YEAR INSTANT CUM ADVACE SUPPLY NOTIFICATION JUNE-2019 #SBTETAPNOTIFICATION State board of technical education and training andhra pradesh , vijayawada updated notification about er91 pharmacy 1st&2nd year instant cum advance supply notification june-2019 in official website on Dated:27/05/2019. From this year onwards technical board is taking better decision and favour to students. Examinations are starts from 13/06/2019. PHARMACY 1st&2nd YEAR NOTIFICATION JUNE-2019 Those who are appearing for the instant cum supply examination jun-2019 fill the online application form and pay the examination fee through APonline with any payment gateway, Click on this URL for online pay examination fee for AP state than PolytechnicHLCs will collect the examination fee and generate hall ticket. Eligibility for Instant cum advanced supplementary examinations...