STATE BOARD OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING A.P DIPLOMA EXAMINATION RESULT MARCH-APRIL-2018 Ap SBTET diploma is going to declared 2018 final exam results in Andhra Pradesh MAR-APR-2018.This board is successfully coundected the examination centers in the month of march-april-2018,Now the diploma board in A.P is released C-09 , C-14 ,C-16 Examination results for all the semesters examinations and supplye examinations espically C-05 Also........ These results are mainly posted in ,,, ,diploma board exams are conducted twice in year,results will released in 2 to 3 months After the examinations are held. AP DIPLOMA BOARD (STATE BOARD OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING) Released the results scheem wise ( c-05 1st year,3rd sem,4th sem,5th sem,6th sem,)( c-09 1st year,3rd sem,4th sem,5th sem,6th sem,)( c-14 1st year,3rd sem,4th sem,5th sem,6th s...